Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Merry Christmas....

Five days to go and we'd be opening our gifts. And its been a month since i last opened up this site for updates...

First a Christmas list...

1. to all batch 2006 graduates. How r ya all? saw Daryl yesterday at SM, same ol Daryl... Saw also Mae Ann, and nagtambok sta... hehe... btw.. to all of you asking about the graduation cd, here's the scoop.
You paid something like 20-50 pesos right? the money was spent to buy the cd case and to print the cd cover. that left about 700 pesos left. now here's the problem. the gradutation ceremony is about 3 cds long. 700 bucks wont cut it to buy, say, 90x3 = 240 cds. and im not equipped to burn that many cd's with my pc. so what do we do? here are several options.
A. we could get outside help to burn the cd's for us, but then you'd have to pay extra too.
B. i burn a limited amount of copies and send them to class repersentatives to copy them for you. clearly i cant do it all alone.
C. we burn it on dvd but since i dont have a dvd burner we have to let somebody burn it for us and then we pay the fee too.
so what do you think?
(i think nobody's reading this site, but then, its part of covering up my ass... hehe)

2. Went to our guimaras campus last weekend for III-Be's retreat. Got to chat for a while with our lone guard there. seems that, according to him, he has not spent a night at home for the last three years, if you would believe this guy... why so? its been three years that the school have reduced the guard on duty in our guimaras campus from three to two then to one. his duty starts from 6:00pm to 2:00am and he goes home somewhere near Ortiz in Iloilo. so he goes home every other day in the morning but spends the night, most of the time alone, in our beloved Mosqueda Campus. i asked him how about he takes a leave of absence but then he jsut said "no work no pay". Now isn't that sad? He'll be spending Christmas this year, and spent it the last three years, all alone oe'r there. All of us have gone there at least once during our stay in pisay. you could just imagine how'd it be like.

3. INTEL INSIDE: i know its old news but pisay again gets to represent the region in the national intel science fair in the life science category. Glen Dale Fantonalgo and Christine Marcelino of IV-Graviton smashed all opposition (and that includes the hefty group of classmate Bemboy Subosa) in the team category with their study entitled in vitro propagation of mangroves. it was such a wonderful experience, that intel fair, especially for my colleague Mr. Olvido who found a lovely acquaintance in the two day affair. You had to see the look in his face =)

4. GOSSIP-SIP: some juicy tidbits of information for everybody. i heard some persons in the faculty center has changed civil status, from male to female!!! more later.

5. Merry Christmas everyday. Happy New Year.