Friday, July 14, 2006

Hello world...
Here are some more photos from the 14th FD.

The first one is medical intern evangeline barbara go (batch 99) checking up on her patients...

Remember nong Junior??? I think this is his grandkid to see the doctor...

Mam Hijasmin Sinfuego sings her heart out with the (new) librarian (for those of you who only knows Mr. Tumalay) Mr. Dennis Joseph Garrido.

Know these gals? For the ancients these are (left to right) Ms. Cristia Magsipoc (Filipino), Ms. Thirza Ojas (Guidance Counselor) & Ms. Lea Salinel (Filipino, Soc Sci.)

Anybody saw Mam Tess dancing before?
For the ancients (again) The one in black is Mrs. Anicita Altis (English)and the one in brown is Mrs. Rowena Labrador (Biology). Must i do this all the time?
Btw, right behind Mam Annie is Mam Coo.

That's all for now folks. Good bye... I hate to see you, man i look good...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

As per your request... here are the pics. I cant post much... i will have to create a myspace account for that and put a link here... patience... but for now...

This according to Sir Harold is the preregistratrion... You see here Bemboy Subosa (IV GRAV) interviewing the residents of brgy Bitoon.

the student volounteers and the faculty and staff behind the medical mission

Mr. Varsolo Sunio Giving "the Speech"

MOA signing between PSHSWV and Philippine College of Physicians...

psssst... Carl... maano ako?

Ahnie: Ano sulat ko di? Hmmmm.. Deed of sale of PSHSWV to PCP...

And the field demos... whites are freshies and sophies, black are juniors and seniors... I know the lay out's sh*@#y but im hungry...

Hope you like em... i'll have more posted of course. Do tell me what you want to see... For now, im eating lunch.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

14th FD: Opening Program

As all programs go around here, this one started with the entrance of colors, and an apocalyptic fit from Commandant Duarte. It is quite entertaining to watch Generallismo Cerla stomp her foot in vexation as her Cadet/Cadette Officers stomped their way into the stage. "They are not supposed to make a sound when they march, AY AMBOT NA LANG AH!!!... Sa imo bi to?" she asked. Uh-huh.

It turns out that this was just the calm before the storm. For the recent years past the Student Alliance has invited several food concessionaires (is this the correct spelling?, whatever) to sell doughnuts, junkfood (chicken, fries, burgers etc.) and drinks and these food stalls are right behind the audience in our partially covered gym. Nothing wrong with this since the SA gets a cut of the profits but imagine you're Varsolo giving your speech and you could clearly see your audience lining up for jollibee, dunkin donuts and thirsty. Good thing it didn't happen since it was Mr Cerbo's turn to blow a fuse. It was a terrifying sight to see his brows could actually darken than his very dark complexion, but darken it did and boy was it darker than the dark storm the humans unleashed against the machines that forever blighted out the sun in the animatrix. "Ginghambalan na gid sila na hindi anay magbilagya samtang may program pa pro. GAHULAT SILA SIGURO NA MASING-ALAN AY!!!
**%$@# *&#$*$ ..." Well, that straightened them out. I've never seen students control their appetites with so much determination while the aroma of chicken joy wafts in their noses. But then again, one look at Mr. Cerbo's glowering face and its enough to ruin your appetite.

Now to Varsolo's speech... Wait, i dont think this is the proper post to print his inspiring speech since this is clearly an uninspired work. til next time then, those were the highlights of the program. If you missed them, you clearly missed one half of your life, like the half you missed when you were not able to watch the titanic, and then that other half you missed when you missed superman returns, and then that half you missed... boy you're so dead!

14th Foundation Day

Good morning PSHSWV scholars and past scholars... Today is the 14th Foundation Day of our beloved alma matter, and the third (attempt at the) first posting of the Bitoon Star. The theme is Spreading the Wings of Excellence and Service. The guest speaker, Mr. Varsolo C. Sunio gave a very heart rending tear jerking speech. More on this later. We'll be giving you a rundown of the activities later since there is still this matter of a free lunch...